Classes to store Wannier90 input and output files
- class wannierberri.w90files.Wannier90data(seedname='wannier90', read_chk=False, kmesh_tol=1e-07, bk_complete_tol=1e-05, read_npz=True, write_npz_list=('mmn', 'eig', 'amn', 'dmn'), write_npz_formatted=True, overwrite_npz=False, formatted=(), files={})[source]
- A class to describe all input files of wannier90, and to construct the Wannier functions
via disentanglement procedure
- Parameters:
seedname – str the prefix of the file (including relative/absolute path, but not including the extensions, like .chk, .mmn, etc)
formatted – tuple(str) list of files which should be read as formatted files (uHu, uIu, etc)
read_npz – bool if True, try to read the files converted to npz (e.g. wanier90.mmn.npz instead of wannier90.
write_npz_list – list(str) for which files npz will be written
write_npz_formatted – bool write npz for all formatted files
overwrite_npz – bool overwrite existing npz files (incompatinble with read_npz)
read_chk – bool if True, read the checkpoint file, otherwise create a ‘~wannierberri.system.w90_files.CheckPoint_bare’ object and prepare for disentanglement
kmesh_tol – float see ~wannierberri.system.w90_files.CheckPoint
bk_complete_tol – float see ~wannierberri.system.w90_files.CheckPoint
- chk
the checkpoint file
- Type:
~wannierberri.system.w90_files.CheckPoint or ~wannierberri.system.w90_files.CheckPoint_bare
- seedname
the prefix of the file (including relative/absolute path, but not including the extensions, like .chk, .mmn, etc)
- Type:
- wannierised
if True, the data is already wannierised (so, it can be used to create a System_w90 object)
- Type:
- read_npz
if True, try to read the files converted to npz (e.g. wanier90.mmn.npz instead of wannier90.
- Type:
- write_npz_list
for which files npz will be written
- Type:
- write_npz_formatted
write npz for all formatted files
- Type:
- formatted_list
list of files which should be read as formatted files (uHu, uIu, etc)
- Type:
- _files
the dictionary of the files (e.g. the keys are ‘mmn’, ‘eig’, ‘amn’, ‘uiu’, ‘uhu’, ‘siu’, ‘shu’, ‘spn’, ‘dmn’)
- Type:
dict(str, ~wannierberri.system.w90_files.W90_file)
- __init__(seedname='wannier90', read_chk=False, kmesh_tol=1e-07, bk_complete_tol=1e-05, read_npz=True, write_npz_list=('mmn', 'eig', 'amn', 'dmn'), write_npz_formatted=True, overwrite_npz=False, formatted=(), files={})[source]
- disentangle(**kwargs)[source]
Perform the disentanglement procedure calling ~wannierberri.system.disentangle
- Parameters:
kwargs (dict) – the keyword arguments to be passed to ~wannierberri.system.disentangle
- get_disentangled(files=[])[source]
after disentanglement, get the Wannier90data object with num_wann == num_bands
- Parameters:
files (list(str)) – the extensions of the files to be read (e.g. ‘mmn’, ‘eig’, ‘amn’, ‘uiu’, ‘uhu’, ‘siu’, ‘shu’, ‘spn’, ‘dmn’)
- write(seedname, files=None)[source]
writes the files on disk
- Parameters:
seedname (str) – the seedname of the files (including relative/absolute path, but not including the extensions, like .chk, .mmn, etc)
files (list(str)) – the list of files extensions to be written. If None, all files are written
- class wannierberri.w90files.AMN(seedname='wannier90', npar=2, **kwargs)[source]
Class to store the projection of the wavefunctions on the initial Wannier functions[ik, ib, iw] = <u_{i,k}|w_{i,w}>
- Parameters:
seedname (str) – the prefix of the file (including relative/absolute path, but not including the extension .amn)
npar (int) – the number of parallel processes to be used for reading
- NB
number of bands
- Type:
- NW
number of Wannier functions
- Type:
- NK
number of k-points
- Type:
- data
the data projections
- Type:
numpy.ndarray( (NK, NB, NW), dtype=complex)
- property NB
- property NW
- from_w90_file(seedname, npar)[source]
abstract method to read the necessary data from Wannier90 file
- class wannierberri.w90files.CheckPoint(seedname, kmesh_tol=1e-07, bk_complete_tol=1e-05)[source]
A class to store the data about wannierisation, written by Wannier90
- Parameters:
seedname (str) – the prefix of the file (including relative/absolute path, but not including the extension .chk)
kmesh_tol (float) – tolerance to distinguish different/same k-points
bk_complete_tol (float) – tolerance for the completeness relation for finite-difference scheme
- get_AABB_qb(mmn, transl_inv=False, eig=None, phase=None, sum_b=False)[source]
Returns the matrix elements AA or BB(if eig is not Flase) in the Wannier gauge
- Parameters:
mmn (~wannierberri.system.w90_files.MMN) – the overlap matrix elements between the Wavefunctions at neighbouring k-points
transl_inv (bool) – if True, the band-diagonal matrix elements are calculated using the Marzari & Vanderbilt translational invariant formula
eig (~wannierberri.system.w90_files.EIG) – the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian, needed to calculate BB (if None, the matrix elements are AA)
phase (np.ndarray(shape=(num_wann, num_wann, nnb), dtype=complex)) – the phase factors to be applied to the matrix elements (if None, no phase factors are applied)
sum_b (bool) – if True, the matrix elements are summed over the neighbouring k-points. Otherwise, the matrix elements are stored in a 5D array of shape (num_kpts, num_wann, num_wann, nnb, 3)
- Returns:
np.ndarray(shape=(num_kpts, num_wann, num_wann, nnb, 3), dtype=complex) (if sum_b=False)
or np.ndarray(shape=(num_kpts, num_wann, num_wann, nnb, 3), dtype=complex) (if sum_b=True) – the q-resolved matrix elements AA or BB in the Wannier gauge
- get_AA_q(mmn, transl_inv=False)[source]
A wrapper for get_AA_qb with sum_b=True see ‘~wannierberri.system.w90_files.CheckPoint.get_AA_qb’ for more details
- get_AA_qb(mmn, transl_inv=False, phase=None, sum_b=False)[source]
A wrapper for get_AABB_qb with eig=None see ‘~wannierberri.system.w90_files.CheckPoint.get_AABB_qb’ for more details
- get_BB_qb(mmn, eig, phase=None, sum_b=False)[source]
a wrapper for get_AABB_qb to evaluate BB matrix elements. (transl_inv is disabled) see ‘~wannierberri.system.w90_files.CheckPoint.get_AABB_qb’ for more details
- get_CCOOGG_qb(mmn, uhu, antisym=True, phase=None, sum_b=False)[source]
Returns the matrix elements CC, OO or GG in the Wannier gauge
- Parameters:
mmn (~wannierberri.system.w90_files.MMN) – the overlap matrix elements between the Wavefunctions at neighbouring k-points
uhu (~wannierberri.system.w90_files.UHU or ~wannierberri.system.w90_files.UIU) – the matrix elements uhu or uiu produced by pw2wannier90
antisym (bool) – if True, the antisymmetric piece of the matrix elements is calculated. Otherwise, the full matrix is calculated
phase (np.ndarray(shape=(num_wann, num_wann, nnb), dtype=complex)) – the phase factors to be applied to the matrix elements (if None, no phase factors are applied)
sum_b (bool) – if True, the matrix elements are summed over the neighbouring k-points. Otherwise, the matrix elements are stored in a 6D array of shape (num_kpts, num_wann, num_wann, nnb, nnb, 3)
- Returns:
np.ndarray(shape=(num_kpts, num_wann, num_wann, nnb, nnb, 3), dtype=complex) (if sum_b=False)
or np.ndarray(shape=(num_kpts, num_wann, num_wann, nnb, nnb, 3), dtype=complex) (if sum_b=True) – the q-resolved matrix elements CC, OO or GG in the Wannier gauge
- get_CC_qb(mmn, uhu, phase=None, sum_b=False)[source]
A wrapper for get_CCOOGG_qb with antisym=True see ‘~wannierberri.system.w90_files.CheckPoint.get_CCOOGG_qb’ for more details
- get_GG_qb(mmn, uiu, phase=None, sum_b=False)[source]
A wrapper for get_CCOOGG_qb with antisym=False see ‘~wannierberri.system.w90_files.CheckPoint.get_CCOOGG_qb’ for more details
- get_HH_q(eig)[source]
Returns the Hamiltonian matrix in the Wannier gauge
- Parameters:
eig (~wannierberri.system.w90_files.EIG) – the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian
- Returns:
the Hamiltonian matrix in the Wannier gauge
- Return type:
- get_OO_qb(mmn, uiu, phase=None, sum_b=False)[source]
A wrapper for get_CCOOGG_qb with antisym=False see ‘~wannierberri.system.w90_files.CheckPoint.get_CCOOGG_qb’ for more details (actually, the same as “~wannierberri.system.w90_files.CheckPoint.get_CC_qb”)
- get_SS_q(spn)[source]
Returns the spin matrix in the Wannier gauge
- Parameters:
spn (~wannierberri.system.w90_files.SPN) – the spin matrix
- Returns:
the spin matrix in the Wannier gauge
- Return type:
- get_wannier_centers(mmn, spreads=False)[source]
calculate wannier centers with the Marzarri-Vanderbilt translational invariant formula and optionally the spreads
- Parameters:
mmn (~wannierberri.system.w90_files.MMN) – the overlap matrix elements between the Wavefunctions at neighbouring k-points
spreads (bool) – if True, the spreads are calculated
- Returns:
np.ndarray(shape=(num_wann, 3), dtype=float) – the wannier centers
np.ndarray(shape=(num_wann,), dtype=float) – the wannier spreads (in Angstrom^2) (if spreads=True)
- property wannier_centers
- wannier_gauge(mat, ik1, ik2)[source]
Returns the matrix elements in the Wannier gauge
- Parameters:
mat (np.ndarray) – the matrix elements in the Hamiltonian gauge
ik1 (int) – the indices of the k-points
ik2 (int) – the indices of the k-points
- Returns:
the matrix elements in the Wannier gauge
- Return type:
- class wannierberri.w90files.CheckPoint_bare(win, eig, amn, mmn)[source]
Class to store data from Wanierisationm obtained internally Initialize without the v_matrix (to be written later by ~wannierberri.system.disentangle)
- Parameters:
win (~wannierberri.system.w90_files.WIN)
eig (~wannierberri.system.w90_files.EIG)
amn (~wannierberri.system.w90_files.AMN)
mmn (~wannierberri.system.w90_files.MMN)
- class wannierberri.w90files.MMN(seedname='wannier90', npar=2, **kwargs)[source]
class to store overlaps between Bloch functions at neighbouring k-points the MMN file of wannier90[ik, ib, m, n] = <u_{m,k}|u_{n,k+b}>
- Parameters:
seedname (str) – the prefix of the file (including relative/absolute path, but not including the extension .mmn)
npar (int) – the number of parallel processes to be used for reading the file
- data
the overlap matrix elements between the Wavefunctions at neighbouring k-points
- Type:
np.ndarray(shape=(NK, NNB, NB, NB), dtype=complex)
- neighbours
the indices of the neighbouring k-points
- Type:
np.ndarray(shape=(NK, NNB), dtype=int)
- G
the reciprocal lattice vectors connecting the k-points
- Type:
np.ndarray(shape=(NK, NNB, 3), dtype=int)
- from_w90_file(seedname, npar)[source]
abstract method to read the necessary data from Wannier90 file
- get_disentangled(v_left, v_right)[source]
Reduce number of bands
- Parameters:
v_matrix (np.ndarray(NB,num_wann)) – the matrix of column vectors defining the Wannier gauge
v_matrix_dagger (np.ndarray(num_wann,NB)) – the Hermitian conjugate of v_matrix
- Returns:
the disentangled MMN object
- Return type:
- property n_neighb
number of nearest neighbours indices
- class wannierberri.w90files.SHU(seedname='wannier90', formatted=False, **kwargs)[source]
SXU[ik, ib, m, n, ipol] = <u_{m,k}|S_ipol*H(k)|u_{n,k+b}>
- Parameters:
seedname (str) – the prefix of the file (including relative/absolute path, but not including the extensions, like .sHu, sIu)
formatted (bool) – if True, the file is expected to be formatted, otherwise it is binary
kwargs (dict(str, Any)) – the keyword arguments to be passed to the parent constructor, see ~wannierberri.system.w90_files.SXU for more details
- class wannierberri.w90files.SIU(seedname='wannier90', formatted=False, **kwargs)[source]
SXU[ik, ib, m, n, ipol] = <u_{m,k}|S_ipol|u_{n,k+b}>
- Parameters:
seedname (str) – the prefix of the file (including relative/absolute path, but not including the extensions, like .sIu, sHu)
formatted (bool) – if True, the file is expected to be formatted, otherwise it is binary
kwargs (dict(str, Any)) – the keyword arguments to be passed to the parent constructor, see ~wannierberri.system.w90_files.SXU for more details
- class wannierberri.w90files.SPN(seedname='wannier90', **kwargs)[source]
W90_file[ik, m, n, ipol] = <u_{m,k}|S_ipol|u_{n,k}>
- class wannierberri.w90files.UHU(seedname='wannier90', **kwargs)[source]
UXU[ik, ib1, ib2, m, n] = <u_{m,k+b1}|H(k)|u_{n,k+b2}>
- class wannierberri.w90files.UIU(seedname='wannier90', **kwargs)[source]
UXU[ik, ib1, ib2, m, n] = <u_{m,k+b1}|u_{n,k+b2}>
- class wannierberri.w90files.WIN(seedname='wannier90', data=None)[source]
Class to read and store the input file
- Parameters:
seedname (str) – the prefix of the file (including relative/absolute path, but not including the extensions, like .win)
- name
the name of the file
- Type:
- parsed
the parsed data
- Type:
dict(str, Any)
- units_length
the units of length (Angstrom or Bohr radius)
- Type:
dict(str, float)
- get_kpoints()[source]
Get the kpoints in reciprocal coordinates
- Returns:
the kpoints in reciprocal coordinates
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray(float, shape=(NK, 3))
- get_projections()[source]
Get the projections
- Returns:
the projections in the wannier90 format
- Return type:
- get_unit_cell_cart_ang()[source]
Get the unit cell in Angstrom in Cartesian coordinates
- Returns:
the unit cell in Angstrom in Cartesian coordinates
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray(float, shape=(3, 3))
- write(seedname=None, comment='written by WannierBerri')[source]
Write the file
- Parameters:
seedname (str) – the prefix of the file (including relative/absolute path, but not including the extensions, like .win) if None, the file is written to self.seedname + “.win”
comment (str) – the comment to be written at the beginning of the file