Source code for wannierberri.result.tabresult

import numpy as np
from time import time
import multiprocessing
import functools
from import Iterable
import warnings
from .result import Result
from .kbandresult import get_component

[docs] class TABresult(Result): def __init__(self, kpoints, recip_lattice, results=None, mode="grid", save_mode="bin"): if results is None: results = {} self.nband = results['Energy'].nband self.mode = mode self.grid = None self.gridorder = None self.recip_lattice = recip_lattice self.kpoints = np.array(kpoints, dtype=float) % 1 self.save_mode = save_mode self.results = results for k, res in results.items(): assert len(kpoints) == res.nk if hasattr(res, "nband"): assert self.nband == res.nband @property def Enk(self): return self.results['Energy'] def __mul__(self, other): # K-point factors do not play arole in tabulating quantities return self def __truediv__(self, other): # K-point factors do not play arole in tabulating quantities return self def __add__(self, other): if other == 0: return self assert self.mode == other.mode assert self.save_mode == other.save_mode assert self.nband == other.nband, \ f"Adding results with different number of bands {self.nband} and {other.nband} - not allowed" results = {r: self.results[r] + other.results[r] for r in self.results if r in other.results} return TABresult(np.vstack((self.kpoints, other.kpoints)), recip_lattice=self.recip_lattice, results=results, mode=self.mode, save_mode=self.save_mode) def as_dict(self): raise NotImplementedError() def save(self, name): return # do nothing so far def savetxt(self, name): return # do nothing so far def savedata(self, name, prefix, suffix, i_iter): if i_iter > 0: pass # so far do nothing on iterations, chang in future elif self.mode == "grid": self.self_to_grid() if "frmsf" in self.save_mode or "txt" in self.save_mode: write_frmsf( prefix + "-" + name, Ef0=0., numproc=None, quantities=self.results.keys(), res=self, suffix=suffix) # so far let it be the only mode, implement other modes in future if "bin" in self.save_mode: write_npz(prefix + "-" + name, quantities=self.results.keys(), res=self, suffix=suffix ) # TODO : remove this messy call to external routine, which calls back an internal one else: pass # so far . TODO : implement writing to a text file @property def find_grid(self): """ Find the full grid.""" # TODO: make it cleaner, to work with iterations grid = np.zeros(3, dtype=int) kp = np.array(self.kpoints) kp = np.concatenate((kp, [[1, 1, 1]])) # in case only k=0 is used in some direction for i in range(3): k = np.sort(kp[:, i]) dk = np.max(k[1:] - k[:-1]) grid[i] = int(np.round(1. / dk)) return grid def transform(self, sym): results = {r: self.results[r].transform(sym) for r in self.results} kpoints = [sym.transform_reduced_vector(k, self.recip_lattice) for k in self.kpoints] return TABresult(kpoints=kpoints, recip_lattice=self.recip_lattice, results=results, mode=self.mode, save_mode=self.save_mode) def to_grid(self, grid, order='C'): assert (self.mode == "grid") print("setting the grid") grid1 = [np.linspace(0., 1., g, False) for g in grid] print("setting new kpoints") k_new = np.array(np.meshgrid(grid1[0], grid1[1], grid1[2], indexing='ij')).reshape((3, -1), order=order).T print("finding equivalent kpoints") # check if each k point is on the regular grid kpoints_int = np.rint(self.kpoints * grid[None, :]).astype(int) on_grid = np.all(abs(kpoints_int / grid[None, :] - self.kpoints) < 1e-5, axis=1) # compute the index of each k point on the grid kpoints_int = kpoints_int % grid[None, :] ind_grid = kpoints_int[:, 2] + grid[2] * (kpoints_int[:, 1] + grid[1] * kpoints_int[:, 0]) # construct the map from the grid indices to the k-point indices k_map = [[] for i in range(] for ik in range(len(self.kpoints)): if on_grid[ik]: k_map[ind_grid[ik]].append(ik) else: warnings.warn(f"k-point {ik}={self.kpoints[ik]} is not on the grid, skipping.") t0 = time() print("collecting") results = {r: self.results[r].to_grid(k_map) for r in self.results} t1 = time() print(f"collecting: to_grid : {t1 - t0}") res = TABresult(k_new, recip_lattice=self.recip_lattice, results=results, mode=self.mode, save_mode=self.save_mode) t2 = time() print(f"collecting: TABresult : {t2 - t1}") res.grid = np.copy(grid) res.gridorder = order t3 = time() print(f"collecting - OK : {t3 - t0} ({t3 - t2})") return res def self_to_grid(self): res = self.to_grid(self.find_grid, order='C') self.__dict__.update(res.__dict__) # another dirty trick, TODO : clean it def __get_data_grid(self, quantity, iband, component=None, efermi=None): if isinstance(iband, Iterable): shape = tuple(self.grid) + (len(iband),) else: shape = tuple(self.grid) if quantity == 'Energy': return[:, iband].reshape(shape) elif component is None: return self.results[quantity].data[:, iband].reshape(shape + (3,) * self.results[quantity].rank) else: return self.results[quantity].get_component(component)[:, iband].reshape(shape) def __get_data_path(self, quantity, iband, component=None, efermi=None): if quantity == 'Energy': return[:, iband] elif component is None: return self.results[quantity].data[:, iband] else: return self.results[quantity].get_component(component)[:, iband] def get_data(self, quantity, iband=None, component=None, efermi=None): if iband is None: iband = np.arange(self.nband) if self.grid is None: return self.__get_data_path(quantity, iband=iband, component=component, efermi=efermi) else: return self.__get_data_grid(quantity, iband=iband, component=component, efermi=efermi) def fermiSurfer(self, quantity=None, component=None, efermi=0, npar=0, iband=None, frmsf_name=None): if iband is None: iband = np.arange(self.nband) elif isinstance(iband, int): iband = [iband] if quantity is not None: Xnk = self.get_data(quantity=quantity, iband=iband, component=component) else: Xnk = None if self.grid is None: raise RuntimeError("the data should be on a grid before generating FermiSurfer files. use to_grid() method") if self.gridorder != 'C': raise RuntimeError("the data should be on a 'C'-ordered grid for generating FermiSurfer files") return fermiSurfer(recip_lattice=self.recip_lattice, Enk=self.get_data(quantity="Energy", iband=iband), data=Xnk, efermi=efermi, npar=npar, frmsf_name=frmsf_name ) def plot_path_fat( self, path, quantity=None, component=None, save_file=None, Eshift=0, Emin=None, Emax=None, iband=None, mode="fatband", fatfactor=20, kwargs_line={}, label=None, fatmax=None, cut_k=True, linecolor='black', close_fig=True, show_fig=True ): """ a routine to plot a result along the path The circle size (size of quantity) changes linearly below 2 and logarithmically above 2. """ if fatmax is None: fatmax = fatfactor * 10 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if iband is None: iband = np.arange(self.nband) elif isinstance(iband, int): iband = np.array([iband]) elif isinstance(iband, Iterable): iband = np.array(iband) if iband.dtype != int: raise ValueError("iband should be integer") else: raise ValueError("iband should be either an integer, or array of intergers, or None") kline = path.getKline() E = self.get_data(quantity='Energy', iband=iband) - Eshift plt.ylabel(r"$E$, eV") if Emin is None: Emin = E.min() - 0.5 if Emax is None: Emax = E.max() + 0.5 klineall = [] for ib in range(len(iband)): e = E[:, ib] selE = (e <= Emax) * (e >= Emin) e[~selE] = None if np.any(selE): klineselE = kline[selE] klineall.append(klineselE) _kwargs = dict(c=linecolor) _kwargs.update(kwargs_line) if 'c' in _kwargs and 'color' in _kwargs: del _kwargs['c'] _line, = plt.plot(kline, e, **_kwargs) if label is not None: _line.set_label(label) plt.legend() if cut_k: klineall = [k for kl in klineall for k in kl] kmin = min(klineall) kmax = max(klineall) else: kmin = kline.min() kmax = kline.max() if quantity is not None: data = self.get_data(quantity=quantity, iband=iband, component=component) if mode == "fatband": for ib in range(len(iband)): e = E[:, ib] selE = (e <= Emax) * (e >= Emin) klineselE = kline[selE] y = data[selE][:, ib] select = abs(y) > 2 y[select] = np.log2(abs(y[select])) * np.sign(y[select]) y[~select] *= 0.5 e1 = e[selE] for col, sel in [("red", (y > 0)), ("blue", (y < 0))]: sz = abs(y[sel]) * fatfactor sz[sz > fatmax] = fatmax plt.scatter(klineselE[sel], e1[sel], s=sz, color=col) else: raise ValueError("So far only fatband mode is implemented") x_ticks_labels = [] x_ticks_positions = [] for k, v in path.labels.items(): x_ticks_labels.append(v) x_ticks_positions.append(kline[k]) plt.axvline(x=kline[k]) plt.xticks(x_ticks_positions, x_ticks_labels) plt.ylim([Emin, Emax]) plt.xlim([kmin, kmax]) fig = plt.gcf() if save_file is not None: fig.savefig(save_file) if show_fig: if close_fig: plt.close(fig) else: return fig @property def max(self): return np.array([-1.]) # tabulating does not contribute to adaptive refinement
def write_frmsf(frmsf_name, Ef0, numproc, quantities, res, suffix=""): if len(suffix) > 0: suffix = "-" + suffix if frmsf_name is not None: open(f"{frmsf_name}_E{suffix}.frmsf", "w").write(res.fermiSurfer(quantity=None, efermi=Ef0, npar=numproc)) ttxt = 0 twrite = 0 for Q in quantities: for comp in res.results[Q].get_component_list(): t31 = time() txt = res.fermiSurfer(quantity=Q, component=comp, efermi=Ef0, npar=numproc) t32 = time() open(f"{frmsf_name}_{Q}-{comp}{suffix}.frmsf", "w").write(txt) t33 = time() ttxt += t32 - t31 twrite += t33 - t32 else: ttxt = 0 twrite = 0 return ttxt, twrite def write_npz(npz_name, quantities, res, suffix=""): dic = {Q: res.get_data(quantity=Q) for Q in quantities} if len(suffix) > 0: suffix = "-" + suffix np.savez_compressed(f"{npz_name}{suffix}.npz", recip_lattice=res.recip_lattice, **dic ) def _savetxt(limits=None, a=None, fmt=".8f", npar=0): assert a.ndim == 1, f"only 1D arrays are supported. found shape{a.shape}" if npar is None: npar = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if npar <= 0: if limits is None: limits = (0, a.shape[0]) fmtstr = "{0:" + fmt + "}\n" return "".join(fmtstr.format(x) for x in a[limits[0]:limits[1]]) else: if limits is not None: raise ValueError("limits shpould not be used in parallel mode") nppproc = a.shape[0] // npar + (1 if a.shape[0] % npar > 0 else 0) print(f"using a pool of {npar} processes to write txt frmsf of {nppproc} points per process") asplit = [(i, i + nppproc) for i in range(0, a.shape[0], nppproc)] p = multiprocessing.Pool(npar) res =, a=a, fmt=fmt, npar=0), asplit) p.close() p.join() return "".join(res) def fermiSurfer(recip_lattice, Enk, data=None, efermi=0, npar=0, frmsf_name=None): print("Enk", Enk.shape) grid = Enk.shape[:3] nband = Enk.shape[3] FSfile = "" FSfile += f" {grid[0]} {grid[1]} {grid[2]} \n" FSfile += "1 \n" # so far only this option of Fermisurfer is implemented FSfile += f"{nband} \n" FSfile += "".join([" ".join(f"{x:14.8f}" for x in v) + "\n" for v in recip_lattice]) for ib in range(nband): FSfile += _savetxt(a=Enk[:, :, :, ib].flatten(order='C') - efermi, npar=npar) if data is not None: print("Xnk", data.shape) assert data.shape[:4] == Enk.shape for ib in range(nband): FSfile += _savetxt(a=data[:, :, :, ib].flatten(order='C'), npar=npar) if frmsf_name is not None: if not (frmsf_name.endswith(".frmsf")): frmsf_name += ".frmsf" open(frmsf_name, "w").write(FSfile) return FSfile
[docs] def npz_to_fermisurfer(npz_file, quantity=None, frmsf_file=None, component=None): """ Convert npz file to frmsf Parameters ---------- npz_file : str name of the npz file to read frmsf_file : str name of the frmsf file to write. If `None` - not written, just returned as str quantity : str name of the quantity to write to the frmsf file component : str or tuple cartesian component, e.g. `'x'`, `'xxz'`, `(0,2)`, `'trace'`, `'norm'` Returns ------- str the text of the frmsf file """ res = np.load(npz_file) Enk = res['Energy'] if quantity is not None: Xnk = res[quantity] if component is not None: Xnk = get_component(Xnk, ndim=Xnk.ndim - 4, component=component) else: Xnk = None recip_lattice = res['recip_lattice'] return fermiSurfer(recip_lattice=recip_lattice, Enk=Enk, data=Xnk, frmsf_name=frmsf_file)